
Top 5 Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your Payment Service Provider

Category: Growth Hacks


Every online business needs a reliable and trustworthy payment service provider to reap profits and bring in more traffic. It forms a crucial part of the business’s structure. As it allows them to generate revenue and ensure the liquidity of their concern. However, if your payment service provider is not able to keep up with the growth of your business and changes in the technological environment, it may be time to reconsider your partnership with your provider. Here are some of the top signs that you need to upgrade your online payment system and provider.

  • No Regular Updates:

Since an online payment system is critical for any business, it is important that your provider offers you the latest services. Apart from the range of services, it is also imperative that your provider upgrades the system to provide smooth services. As online payment systems are highly technological in nature, it needs to evolve with changes in circumstances. However, if your service provider does not provide such updates on regular basis, it is time to change your provider. The slow response rate may also hamper the effectiveness of your payment system, causing undue inconvenience to your clients. Smooth communication and updates are essential to keep the system running in a perfect manner. So that your clients get the best possible service.

  • No Customization:

Customization is essential to ensure that your online payment system is in line with the requirements of your client base. And your existing service provider may be offering the same payment solution to all their clients. However, this type of off-the-shelf payment system is not likely to be the best for your business. It is essential that you properly identify your market and your customer base. Then design your online payment system to meet their distinct requirements. Further, your service provider should also be dynamic enough to change the payment system in line with the changes in your business. If your online payment service provider is not able to customize your system to suit the changed environment, then you should consider changing your provider.

  • Complicated Process:

A payment system is a complex system, consisting of several steps. However, you need to ensure that the process is quick for your customers. In order to achieve these contradictory goals, you should carry out periodic testing of your system, and make sure that it is not unduly complex for the customers. The system may also get complicated over a period of time due to alternations or addition of certain features. Thus, the payment process should be designed in such a manner that it can be upgraded in future without making it cumbersome.

  • Low Monetization Options:

New payment systems are cropping up every day. And they are offering multiple payment options to make the shopper’s experience easy and enjoyable. So, if your service provider is not able to provide you multiple payment options, it is highly likely that even your loyal customer base will eventually migrate to other businesses. Essentially, customers should have the flexibility to choose from different payment options to complete their transactions. Further, the service provider should also offer you the option to monetize your engagement. This generally works through a revenue sharing model, where you are paid a certain percentage of the volume of business generated. If your service provider is not offering you any such service, then you might want to change your provider.

  • Limited Support:

Today’s dynamic businesses need different options and if your provider is not able to provide such options, then your clientele may suffer unnecessarily. Also, your service provider should be able to offer timely and adequate crisis resolution support. Multiple channels should be available to reach your provider in case some issue crops up. Ideally, you should also have emergency access to a support system. Which goes above and beyond their usual crisis resolution methods. A smooth-running payment system is essential for any business and even a single problem may cause a big dent in its market reputation. So, if your online payment service provider is not able to provide you reliable support, it is time to move on.

All in all, a robust online payment system forms the backbone of any modern business nowadays. So, it is vital to choose a payment provider that can grow with you and meet your changing needs. So that a smooth experience is always guaranteed for you and your customers.


Businesses are currently going through challenging times. The conventional methods are not effective anymore as the situation has taken an unprecedented turn. However, even in these times, business entities can follow certain guidelines to make their processes smoother and safer. If you are engaged in B2B business, then you can boost your online payment system to fortify your liquidity situation. The use of technology makes these tips more useful and efficient. So, here are some guidelines for managing your online payment processes to ensure that your business remains on the right track during this crisis.

  1. Initiate Online Invoicing:

    If you are still collecting payments for your goods and services through traditional printed invoices, then it is time to take a leap of faith and start with online invoicing. The online invoicing system has several advantages over regular invoicing in terms of costs and speed. This type of invoicing is much faster and helps you with cash generation in a lesser period of time. Electronic invoicing is also more streamlined and thus more efficient. It helps in reducing invoicing errors so that both you and your clients can spend fewer resources on rectifying the issues. Online invoicing can then be conveniently integrated with the online payment system to ensure further efficiency.

  2. Optimize your Costs:

    Once you have decided to take the online payment route, it is time to take stock of all the costs involved. While in the beginning, the system may seem pricey, it is important to take a long-term view. Also, there are several alternatives available which may help you in controlling the costs. One important category of costs is the payment processing cost category. These costs may make a difference to your bottom line, and therefore, are important for the control purpose. You are advised to seek different options so as to find the best possible solution at a minimal cost. You may also want to negotiate the terms and conditions before you settle down for a particular service provider.

  3. Install Online Fraud Detection System:

    As useful as the online payment system is, it comes with its own set of challenges. Some of the most important issues in this regard is the safety of the system. Online payments are the target of various fraudsters and scammers. In order to protect the interest of your business and your clients, it is important that you are aware of such miscreants. It is also advisable to come up with a clear cut fraud prevention You should keep your system updated to provide protection against new viruses and other cyber attacks. Advanced technological tools such as anti-virus software may come in handy in this regard.

  4. Incorporate the Latest Modes of Payments:

    Offering a wide range of choices is the key to achieve customer satisfaction. And today, there are several options available when it comes to making an online payment. Currently, tools such as mobile wallets and cryptocurrency are gaining a large following too. You can ensure higher customer satisfaction if you provide these tools for payment purposes. Most of these tools take minimal time for setup and are highly cost-effective as well. Further, these tools also provide more diversity and flexibility to your system. They are accessible even through mobile phones, which can be helpful in further expediting the online payment system.

  5. Simplify the Process:

    While online payment systems come with a wide range of options, it is important to ensure that the system still remains simple enough to understand and operate. B2B payment systems are often prone to complexities after all, especially when you introduce new features or make changes. You can solve this issue by taking proper stock of your clients’ requirements. You should also keep the number of options offered under control. It is vital that your business partners and collaborators understand the process completely too. Moreover, you should endeavor to keep the number of steps a few as possible, since lengthy payment systems tend to be more complicated.

The above guidelines are designed to ensure that you are able to set up your online payment system with the least number of problems. In this regard, you may also want to collaborate with established payment services providers to get started. Such providers may help you set up and operate your online payment system efficiently and economically.


Just like a brick and mortar store, the success of an online business depends largely on the loyalty of its client base. In order to build and retain a loyal customer base, it is essential to streamline your business practices. And one smart way to do that is by providing an efficient and simple online payment process. By simplifying your online payment process, you can instantly lower the risk of incomplete transactions and abandoned shopping carts. So, check out these 5 tips to make your online payment system smooth and efficient.

  • Offer multiple options:

    The foremost feature of an online payment system is its flexibility. Internet based businesses should try to offer as many different online payment options as possible. The idea is to ensure that none of your prospective client leaves the site on account of not being able to pay. Debit cards, credit cards and online banking are generally the most widely used options for making online payments. However, you can go beyond that and offer more choices such as payment through online wallets. Further, even within the debit and credit card ecosystem, you can offer choice of different cards. However, after a certain limit, expanding your payment pipeline may not be cost-efficient. Therefore, it is important to fully analyze your target market to pick the best payment options.

  • Integrate seamlessly:

    The online payment modes should be seamlessly integrated with your website. The setting up of an online payment system also requires collaboration with a number of external partners. Hence, several factors will be at play. While it is not possible to have complete control over these factors, it is important that their features are adequately modulated to provide a smooth experience to your clients. Such consistency is also useful in raising brand awareness and brand loyalty. Integration is also important to minimize the risk of online frauds and scams.

  • Ensure privacy and security:

    Apart from making the online payment process smooth and fast, it is important to ensure the safety of data as well. Online payment systems are highly susceptible to scams and phishing. Since these transactions involve sensitive data, it is vital that the customers are assured that their information will remain safe. For this purpose, you can obtain a Secure Sockets Layer or SSL certificate for your website. Display of this certificate on your website will provide a sense of security to your clients. A PCI-compliant website is also an assuring signal.Further, you should keep your software updated to ward off any phishing attack. Use the latest versions of antivirus and anti-scam software.

  • Allow feedback and fix errors:

    Even a simple payment gateway may become more efficient with just a few tweaks. When you design your online payment system, you should try to keep it simple. A simple design ensures that you can make changes to it without any hassle. Your online payment system can also allow feedback from clients. Such feedback can provide interesting insights and may help you in designing an even better system. A simple payment system will also allow timely rectification of any shortcomings or errors.

  • Collaborate and outsource:

    Online payment systems usually follow complex processes. While you can design your own payment system, it is generally more efficient to outsource the entire ecosystem or some important parts of it. You can collaborate with online payment processing services providers for this. These providers offer a wide range of services, such as the ability to process different payment methods and dealings in multiple currencies. These providers also use sophisticated tools to ensure speedy payment processing, making your business more liquid and efficient. By collaborating with reliable and reputed online payment services providers, you can provide the best payment system to your customers.

So, keep the above guidelines in mind, to provide your clients with a super efficient online payment process, which is not only fast and smooth, but also reliable and safe. These features can help you enhance your revenue in a significant manner.

Also Read: How PayTabs is making it super easy to manage your online store’s payment process


Information technology has made the world a smaller place indeed. Businesses are now able to expand their horizons beyond national boundaries easily. However, there are still certain roadblocks which may prevent your business from realizing its true cross-border potential. Going global not only allows you to offer your products and services to a larger clientele but also lets you achieve economies of scale. In order to ensure that you undertake this endeavor in the right manner, here are some top tips to help you expand your business globally.

International Currencies and Payments:

As you prepare your business to transact internationally, you should ensure that you are able to transact in foreign currencies. Apart from fulfilling legal requirements, it is also advisable in terms of logistics. You can take the help of dedicated online payment processors, which may get your global financial platform up and ready in a matter of minutes. Reputed online payment processors may provide you with a host of other services as well, such as centralized dashboard for managing your transactions and analytical services. There are several factors you should keep in mind while choosing a payment processing service provider. Apart from having solid reputation in the market, the service provider should also be able to provide cutting-edge technological support and have the ability to accept a wide range of payment methods.

Sort the Legal Issues:

Every business is governed by a set of rules, the law of the land. When you are a domestic company, you only need to comply with the laws and regulations of that country. However, when you expand internationally, you need to ensure that your business does not breach the laws of any country you have customers in. Such rules and regulations may pertain to the form of business, the quality of the goods and services provided and foreign exchange remittances. Various online payment processors have made it easy for businesses to transact in foreign currencies, however, businesses still need to follow the laws and guidelines with regard to foreign currencies. Further, many countries prohibit trade in certain goods and services, and so, make sure you are not flouting any such rule.

Overcome the Cultural Issues:

Different countries not only have different legal environments, but distinct cultural climes as well. Such differences mean that you may have to redesign your marketing message to suit the tastes and traditions of your target markets. You should know your target markets well enough to understand their undertones and nuances. Moreover, you may also need to customize your product descriptions and packaging so that your target market can understand the message correctly and conveniently. You should be extra cautious about ensuring that your products and services are culturally sensitive and do not offend the sensibilities of the local people.

Shipping and Logistics:

The two main challenges related to international sales are the modes and costs of shipping. You can choose land, sea or air shipping of your products, in accordance with your clients’ requirements. While air shipping may be faster and safer, it is also significantly more expensive than other modes. Consequently, you need to reconcile the speed and costs of shipping products. You may also adopt flexible approaches where you ship products based upon the choice made by your clients. You should also ensure that your shipping method and other logistics meet the legal requirements and other stipulations.

Costs and Pricing:

When you start selling your products internationally, you need to calculate your prices for each market separately. This is important to ensure that you adequately cover all your costs. You may also need to adjust your shipping charges accordingly. However, for the ease of the business, it is recommended to average out the costs and employ global pricing for your products. This will help in making your business processes simpler and efficient. However, you may offer different options regarding the mode of shipping etc. to your clients and calculate the final price accordingly.

Global selling may seem like an onerous task in the beginning. However, by following a few guidelines, you can ensure that you make judicious use of your resources. The above tips will help you in covering all the bases and running your business smoothly.

Adding-A-Payment-Gateway-to-Your E-Commerce-Site

Every e-commerce business needs a reliable payment gateway to serve its clients and to boost its revenue. There are various parameters which define the robustness and effectiveness of a payment gateway system. Some of these metrics are speed, accuracy and security. In order to make sure that your business and clients get the best of the services, here are some tips you may use while adding a payment gateway.

  1. Recurring vs. One Time Fees: The cost of implementing and operating a payment gateway is an important parameter which needs to be considered in the decision phase. Different payment gateways charge their fees in different manners. Some have upfront onetime costs while others charge recurring fees, generally based on volume. Yet other payment gateways may practice a mix of these charges. It is important that you take your time to fully analyze the impact of such charges on your bottom line. Also, if the charges are levied on percentage basis, then consider the overall impact as this kind of charges generally add up pretty quick once your business takes off.
  2. Pay Attention to Purchasing Funnel: Analyzing the purchasing funnel means that you take cognizance of the number of steps needed to get the payment confirmed. While it is important to ensure the security and certainty of the payment made, a large number of steps are rather off-putting and may prompt clients to walk away. Similarly, your payment gateway should only seek appropriate amount of information. It is imperative that you do not use payment process as a means of collecting data about your clients. You should also pay attention to the integration of payment gateway with your website so that your clients have a seamless experience and are not subjected to repetitive steps. It may take you several attempts to determine an optimal purchasing funnel for your business.
  3. Consider the Add-Ons: Payment gateways come in different shapes and sizes. Most of these gateways also provide you with opportunities to customize them for your optimal use. Some of the service providers offer automatic billing support which may or may not be important for your business. Since these add-ons come with a price tag, it is essential that you consider these options and compare their benefits with associated costs. Another point of customization is to be able to handle foreign transactions. If you are looking to expand your business beyond your national boundaries, then you should seriously consider getting this feature for your payment gateway. It is generally surmised that the clients appreciate such additional features which allow them to complete their transactions smoothly.
  4. Diversify: Since the payment process involves providing sensitive information, it is important that you pick your payment gateway carefully. It is essential that you analyze the reputation of the service providers to ensure that their offerings work smoothly and without excessive downtime. Further, it is important that your payment gateway provides security of the transaction and the data. These factors should be supplemented with the ease of carrying out the transaction and saving time. It should also be ensured that all the legal requirements are fully complied with. This is especially important if you carry out cross border transactions and deal in foreign exchange.
  5. Keep it Simple: While it is tempting to keep adding various features and options to the payment process system, the better strategy is to optimize such addons and the simplicity of the system. The checkout process provided by your payment gateway provider should be fast and simple. There should not be excessive forms or columns to fill in order to proceed with the checkout. Further, the payment options may also be limited so that their proper security and robustness is assured.

The choice of a payment gateways services provider is highly crucial. Now, that there has been massive proliferation of cyber-attacks, it is vital that the sensitive data shared by your clients is secured. Apart from this main requirement, the checkout process should be tailor made to meet your and your clients’ requirements. It is important to have adequate number of payment options while also offering additional features such as the ability to check out as a guest.