
5 Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid

Category: Social Commerce

5 Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid

5 Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid

Have you struck out on your own and become a freelancer? There are more people than ever before working for themselves, thanks to the pandemic and a real rethinking of work should be. As such, there are new freelancers out there such as yourself that may be making common mistakes. Here are some of the mistakes you should be avoiding as a freelancer, and how to do so.

1- Starting Off Without Savings

One of the first things you should have in place as a freelancer is savings. When you’re working for yourself, you won’t have the security of an employer paying your wages for you, on time every month. If you have a dry spell, you need to be able to cover your expenses. So many freelancers start out without having that in place.

As a freelancer, it’s advised that you should have around three to six month’s worth of funds saved up and ready to use, should you need to. If you’ve already started and haven’t got those funds, you can start saving now as the sooner you start, the better. As you’re most likely working on your own, you’ll have small overhead costs so you should be able to do this.

2- Going With The First Customers You See

As you’re a freelancer now, it’s so easy to start taking on any work you can get. After all, you don’t want to go a day or week without work coming in, so it’s tempting to take work even if it’s not your forte. That’s a mistake for new freelancers though, as it dilutes your work, and you’ll likely be taking on work you’re not enthusiastic about.

If you do need to keep work coming in you can take the first client you see, but you shouldn’t make it a habit. You should look for clients whose interests and values align with your own.

3- Not Charging Enough

This is is such a common mistake that so many freelancers make. As you’re brand new to the business, you feel as though you should charge less so you can get those customers. However, as the saying goes, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Some customers may even avoid you, as they’ll feel those low prices are suspicious.

Do your research, and find out what your work is worth. “It’s so important not to underprice yourself” says Anna Stevens, a freelance writer at OXEssays and Revieweal. “Good customers will understand the importance of paying for good work.”

4- Not Being Strict On Payments

Another common issue freelancers have is getting payments on time. It’s so common for invoices to be sent out, and you’ll be waiting for payment weeks or even months later. That means that you have to keep chasing those payments up, which takes precious time.

There are ways you can get around this. Putting payment time frames into your invoices is one way of getting paid on time. Using an online payment gateway like Paytabs is another, as all payments can be handled on one platform. Ensure you’re strict about getting payment on time, so you don’t miss out.

5- Not Managing Your Time Well

Now you’re a freelancer, you’re the only person responsible for the way you manage your time. As such, time is very much money, and you need to ensure that you’re managing your time correctly. If you have periods of time where you’re not actively working on projects, then that will affect your bottom line.

“There are lots of ways that you can manage your time as a freelancer” says Adrian Savidan, a business blogger with Assignment Service and Stateofwriting. “You’ll need to find the method that works best for you.” For example, only accept realistic deadlines, and ensure that you take breaks so you don’t burn out as you’re working.

These are some of the most common mistakes that new freelancers are making right now. As a newcomer to this way of working, use the advice here to take care of yourself, and ensure that you get the most out of the work you do. Avoid these mistakes and you’ll be ready to rise to the top.

Madeline MillerMadeline Miller
Madeline Miller is a writer with Education Essay and Essay Help. where she covers freelancing and time management. She’s also a blogger for Big Assignments.

Paymes: Social Commerce Made Easy!

PayTabs has introduced a revolutionary way for freelancers and independent sellers to get paid for the work that they do. Introducing Paymes, a social commerce platform launching across the MENA region.

A PayTabs company, Paymes has become an important staple in the gig economy as it helps freelancers and micro merchants:

  • Receive instant payments over social media platforms
  • Provide quick services to consumers
  • Turn talent and ideas into profit, AND
  • Help kickstart your business

So, what’s all the hype behind Paymes? We’ll show you!

About Paymes

“PayTabs saw that many entrepreneurs and freelancers were struggling to receive payment for their hard work,” says Joe Alvarez, a project manager at Paper Fellows and State of writing. “They saw that making a living on your terms was what made the world go round. Paymes is a global payment platform that lets people and businesses – including startups – receive payments and conduct electronic commerce. This takes the guesswork out of setting up payments, figuring out budgeting requirements, or even knowing much about commerce.

Who Paymes Is For

As mentioned, the gig economy will greatly benefit from this unique social commerce tool. In fact, Paymes is ideal for the following gig businesses and gurus:

  • Freelancers
  • Small and micro business owners

The Benefits

Believe it or not, Paymes comes with great benefits. Here are some, just to name a few!

  • Sell more, and get paid instantly
  • Have peace of mind through a single, secure platform
  • Build your online store, and sell your products and or services on the go
  • Get paid via Link or QR
  • No need for time-consuming forms or documents – paperless is the way to go!


With Paymes, you have access to various products. Such products include:

  • Payments made when users click on a link (created and shared by you)
  • Payments made when users scan a QR code (that you create and launch)
  • Payments made in-store
  • A micro eCommerce site
  • A Paymes card, AND
  • Marketplace

As you can see, Paymes is there for you, as you offer your products or services, and receive payments instantly.

Creating Your Shop With Paymes

Paymes is free to set up. During setup, you can:

  • Add inventory, including:
    • Products/services
    • Description, AND
    • Pricing
  • Brand your store
  • Enable shoppers to add their favorite products from store to cart
  • Enable shoppers to complete delivery details
  • Create a secure checkout, etc.

Getting Paid With A Created Link

Now that shoppers are satisfied with their shopping experience, they want to buy now. That’s why it’s important to give them a secure checkout. You can share a secure payment link over nine different social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram.

With a created link, you can upload the following:

  • Photos of the product or service that the shopper wants to purchase
  • Description of said product or service, AND
  • The pricing

Once you share the payment link with the buyer, you’ll receive payment once the buyer enters their credit card information.

Getting Paid With A QR Code

“Nowadays, QR codes have made it easier for people to access a website on the go, without having to stop and type in a link,” says Edgar Winston, a business writer at Boomessays and UK Writings. “With Paymes, freelancers can accept contactless payments with a static QR code. This allows for smoother transactions, as customers tend to want quick service. All you have to do is fill out your product details, update your QR code, download it, and then share it with your customers.”


Ultimately, Paymes is your go-to Commerce tool. Want to build and run your business the right way? Then check out Paymes, and let your entrepreneurship and other business endeavors take off!

Sara SparrowSara Sparrow
Sara Sparrow is a writer and editor at Write my essay and Case study writing service. She is also a contributing writer at OX Essays. As a content writer, she writes articles about marketing, freelancing, and coding.

5 Parts Of Your Freelancing Business That Are AI-Ready

When you think of artificial intelligence, you’ll think of huge companies using it to manage large warehouses and thousands of customers. If you’re a smaller enterprise though – say, a freelancer-type company – you’ll still have several areas of your business that are ready and waiting for AI. That might seem outlandish, but it’s true!

Yes, even the most novice freelancer can benefit from the wonders of AI. From cybersecurity to customer support to researching and offering personalized service, AI is right for any freelancer. With that said, here’s just some parts of your business that can benefit from AI, and help you get more from them:

1 – Cybersecurity

 You very likely conduct a lot, if not all, of your business online. That means that customers have to trust you with a lot of their personal info, including their banking details. You need to be able to assure them that you’ll keep them safe, and that includes using several technologies to encrypt them.

AI is improving this process, by helping you secure your online business. A good machine learning AI can see patterns that lead to a cyber-attack before you can, so it can start putting countermeasures in place. It’ll also go through the data to find the source. Once it knows the source, it can defend against it. It essentially acts as an extra security guard, helping keep you and your customers safe.

2 – Customer Support And Experience

 When you think of customer support, you’ll think of a human team ready and waiting at the end of a phone to help support your customers. Of course, there’s a lot that has to be done by humans here, but you can lighten the load using AI.

Fortunately, for freelancers, there are online payment or store systems like Paymes that can help you connect and do business with clients. You can give your clients the option to submit their payments either through a special link (that you create) or through a QR code. And, if your clients prefer to pay through their social media, then they can, since Paymes is a verified social media payments partner. With more security and less paperwork, payments are easy for both you and your clients. It helps retain customers and bring in more sales, which is perfect for you as a small business owner. It’s the perfect online tool for freelancer companies.

3 – Personal Assistants

 Yes, you can use AI as a personal assistant. “That’s something that you can put to use even if you’re a very small or new company, and aren’t able to hire a human assistant” says Jason McDowell, a tech blogger at Write My X and 1 Day 2 Write. “These AIs will be able to do things like manage your calendar, reply to emails, and other regular tasks.”

These are tasks that are important, but routine. They take up a lot of time and as a business owner, that’s something that you just don’t have a lot of. That’s why an AI personal assistant is something that more people are taking advantage of.

4 – Data Research

 As a business owner, you want to be reaching your audience where they are, when they need you the most. In the past, to ensure you’re doing that you’d have to do hours of data research, trying to understand your customer and where they’re coming from.

Now though, you can use AIs to do this for you. They will be able process huge amounts of data in a short amount of time, ensuring that you don’t have to. It saves time too, so you’ll be able to address trends in the market as and when they happen.

5 – Personalization

 This is something that you’ll want to look into, especially as a small business owner. “When your customer feels as though you understand them, they’ll be more likely to be loyal to your brand” says technical writer Harriet Inglesford, from Origin Writings and Brit Student. “You can offer personalization in so many different ways.” That can be by adding their name to emails you send out, to giving them personalized recommendations when they visit your site.

This is something that can be achieved with the right AI. For example, you’ll see Netflix do this by monitoring the past shows that a user has watched, and use that information to recommend similar shows that the user may want. That inspires them to keep watching and using the service, as it can give them the content they want.

5 Parts Of Your Freelancing Business That Are AI-Ready

Wrapping Up

 As you can see, there are lots of ways in which AI can help your business. These areas of your business can greatly benefit from AI, so now’s the time to look into it and see how it can help you.

And, don’t forget: If you need a solution for selling and for collecting your fees and payments instantly, then Paymes is your go-to solution for ensuring that you have a great business experience as a freelancer!

George J.NewtonGeorge J. Newton
George J. Newton is a tech writer with Academic Brits and Dissertation Writing Service, where he covers advances in tech and business. He also writes for Next Coursework .

Paymes is a solution for small businesses and freelancers

Marketing and cashflow issues threaten small businesses in MENA

Small businesses are the backbone of the majority of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) economies. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), over 90% of the region’s businesses are small businesses.  In 2021, over 77% projected revenues that were steady or growing.

Freelancing is booming in the region after the pandemic. A 2022 survey by Bayt.com found that 78% of respondents plan to do more freelance work and 87% believe there is a surge in demand.

While the growth of entrepreneurship and freelancing is a positive sign, it is not easy to succeed in MENA. The region is still learning about digital marketing and fintech. Many SMEs are still adapting to the internet age. Only 55% of SMEs in MENA have a website. A meagre 46% have a social media presence.

Two of the key challenges they face are setting up their own platform to attract clients and getting paid on time, without hassle. 82% of small businesses fail due to cash flow issues, so it is a challenge that can end your business.

Payment was easy to set up and use right away, the dashboard is user friendly and to the point. Highly recommend it for freelancers.

Mostafa Kandil, MK
Paymes Customer, Egypt

Paymes is here to help

Paymes, a new platform launched by PayTabs, will put these worries to rest. Paymes is now available in Egypt for its 18 million gig workers. More markets in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) will be able to access Paymes soon.

Paymes allows you to

  • set up an online store for your products and services
  • promote what you sell online
  • get paid in seconds – no long paperwork for you or the buyer
  • share secure payment links over 10 social platforms including Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram

It is supported by Facebook Commerce and completely free to set up.

Paymes is a solution for small businesses and freelancers
Paymes helps you make your small business a success

PayTabs has been a trailblazer in the region in fintech innovations. The company has developed many country-specific solutions, including mada (Saudi Arabia) and K-Net (Kuwait).

Paymes is a solution designed for small businesses and freelancers. It is made for craftsmen, coaches, designers, tailors, home cooks, gardeners, and anyone else who is freelancing or running a small business.

Whether you already have a business or simply have an idea in mind, you can use Paymes to create the vision you have in mind. There are no setup fees or monthly costs, just transparent transaction fees.

Paymes lets you build your own online store in minutes
Start an online store and attract customers with Paymes

Paymes will allow you to receive instant payments from anyone anywhere in the world. Sharing a QR code or a link with the buyer is all that is necessary.

They only need to enter credit card details. You only need your IBAN details to collect the payment.

Receive payments from anywhere in minutes with Paymes
Paymes offer a simple way of paying and getting paid

 Paymes has a unique edge in the Egyptian market by offering a simple tool with very few steps for freelancers and social media businesses to enroll and build their marketplace.

Freelancers can now easily digitize their businesses in short 2-3 steps and display their products on Paymes for customers to buy and pay online.

We’re excited to launch Paymes and continue our efforts in enabling micro-businesses and adding value to them.

Mohamed Serry
Country Manager – Egypt, PayTabs

Build your dreams with Paymes

Take charge and build the future you wish for.  Let go of your marketing and cash flow worries. Start using Paymes today.

You only need digital copies of your Egyptian National ID card and a bank account statement. You can register with any Egyptian bank account, mobile wallet or Meeza prepaid card.

Create an account online or download the Paymes app on Apple App Store and Google Play.

Kasun Pathirage
– Kasun Pathirage is an expert freelance content writer for B2B fintech and SaaS brands.
Learn more about his work via his website: verbauream.com.

A Basic Guide to 6 Different Payment Solutions For Freelancers

A Basic Guide to 6 Different Payment Solutions For Freelancers

Freedom in what you do

Freelancing, sometimes known as independent contracting, offers workers a way to take charge of their work setup. What jobs you do, when you do them, and who you do them for, become matters that you can control in a way that a direct employee cannot. You may even choose where to work, perhaps hot-desking in a shared workspace or on the deck in the sun.

As a freelancer, you have the flexibility to earn around other life commitments and create a work/life balance that works for you. It’s a model of working that is suitable for many fields. Web designers can ply their trade to a variety of clientele. Freelancing opportunities abound for writers and editors. Graphic designers and artists can take advantage of the growing NFT art marketplace.

There are many important things to consider before pursuing the life of a freelancer. Work can be unsteady. It is up to you to find clients and generate business. Be wary of blurring the lines between work time and personal time. Chief among these concerns is how you get paid. Read on to see some tips for mitigating risks associated with freelancing, and for a basic guide to some of the payment methods available.

Tips for getting paid

  • Create an invoice template you can easily edit for different clients.
  • Use an easy meeting minutes template to keep track of what you’ve promised to clients and what they’ve promised to you.
  • Before signing a contract with a prospective client, do some research to discover if there have been any reports of bad experiences from other freelancers.
  • Ensure you have several points of contact with a client. If you’re freelancing for an organization, then make sure you can contact the HR department. You should have an established point of contact for invoicing.
  • Try to glean some insight into the finance department structure of client organizations, so you know who to go to if there are any disputes.

How do I get paid?

There are many payment solutions for freelancers to choose from. You need to use those that work best for you and your clients. Below are 6 options for freelancers, along with some benefits and drawbacks for each method. Each payment solution will serve the purposes of some freelancers but not others. This basic guide will help you decide which payment platform best meets your needs.


Founded in 1998, Paypal is one of the most well-established and best known methods for moving money around. According to Statista, Paypal had 426 million active users as of Q4 2021. As such a well-known payment platform it may seem like an obvious choice, however, there are pitfalls to be avoided.


It is free to set up an account and all you need is an email address. Being such a well-known brand, clients can trust their online payment is secure; they offer robust buyer protection policies. Clients paying you through PayPal don’t actually need a PayPal account. If they are paying via credit/debit card, or with their PayPal balance, payments are sent in minutes. 


The protections PayPal offers are weighted heavily toward the buyer/client. In the event of a dispute, you could find funds are withheld or refunded. If you experience several disputes then you run the risk of your account being frozen. If you travel a lot, you may log in to your PayPal account from a “.co.uk” part of the world one week, a “.de” the next, then a “.ae” (you may be asking, what is .ae domain?) a few weeks later. All this travel can also run the risk of account suspension, although you can communicate with Paypal to outline your frequent travel.

PayPal has higher fees than some of the other options. The amount you pay in fees depends on what country you are operating from, what currencies are being used, and the amounts of money in question. They also charge a conversion rate if you are accepting payments in currencies other than your own. Payments made using electronic checks or bank transfers will be slower because they will need to be cleared by the financial institutions involved.

Bank Transfer

Money can, of course, be moved directly from bank account to bank account electronically. Western Union pioneered the wire transfer back in 1872. They used their telegraph network to communicate between offices which gave the process the moniker of telegraph transfer, by which it is still known in some countries today. These days, secure systems such as the SWIFT banking system ensure the secure transfers of funds.


This method is available internationally, with few exceptions. Payments are processed nearly instantaneously when paid domestically, with international payments possibly enduring delays of a couple of days. It is extremely secure and so freelancers and clients can use it with confidence. Once you add your bank account details to your Paypal account, you can simply transfer funds.


Depending on the banks involved, there can be expensive charges when transferring money internationally. Some banks charge flat fees for incoming and outgoing international payments. For small projects, then, this may be a method to avoid. Unless you have a good relationship with a client, they are unlikely to feel comfortable paying this way as there is little recourse in the event of a dispute.


Escrow is a legal and financial agreement that is designed to give the confidence to transact with each other when they are unfamiliar. A third party will hold onto the payment until both freelancer and client are satisfied that work is complete and payment is due. Escrow.com provides this service for a fee.


When totally unfamiliar with a client, Escrow can give you confidence that monies are secure in the event of a dispute. Freelancers and clients agree who pays the fees ahead of time and arrange an inspection period of between 1 and 30 days for the client to accept the goods or service provided. They are impartial arbiters, providing a fair way to do business across many countries.


The fees are quite high. Anything below $300USD is a $10 fee. It’s, therefore, not a good option for small transactions. Although the inspection period can provide peace of mind, it also delays your payment by up to 30 days. 

A Basic Guide to 6 Different Payment Solutions For Freelancers
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Owned by PayPal, Venmo is a peer-to-peer payment platform. It is widely used throughout the US as a way to pay someone back for a takeout meal, for example. As an app-based platform, it is a convenient way to make and receive quick payments with no fees for bank transfers or Venmo account transfers, and only a 3% fee for credit or debit cards.


Venmo is extremely fast and convenient. Thanks to its app-based structure, you can send notes along with payments and communicate within the app. When transferring money from Venmo to your bank account, you may have to wait one to three days. There is an option for a fast transfer for a charge of 1% up to a maximum of $10.


Strictly speaking, Venmo doesn’t allow its platform to be used to pay for goods and services. If a client insists on paying this way then you risk having the payment reversed. It’s only available in the US right now and you can’t transfer money internationally. There are few protections for you as a freelancer or a client. It may be suitable for small dollar amounts but use with care and only with clients you have a good working relationship with. 


Based in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA), PayTabs social commerce platform Paymes. Paymes is an app-based option aimed at freelancers. It promises a paperless, fast, and secure way to make and receive payments. It is brand new, with some details TBC. If they deliver what’s promised, it could be a viable option for many freelancers.


You can create an online store with this platform, so it acts as an advertising tool as well as a payment platform. They are also payment partners with many social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. When a client wishes to pay for your service, you share a link or QR code with them. It is a convenient, and intuitive approach.


There are still details to be worked out with Paymes. They won’t charge set up fees or an annual fee but there will be a transaction charge that is currently unknown. Any charge will likely be comparable to other platforms. Currently, Paymes is only available in the Turkey, Azerbaijan and Egypt.


Skrill was once known as Moneybookers. It specializes in international payments using different currencies. With fees comparable to PayPal, it is an option to consider for freelancers regularly working with clients from other countries.


Opening an account with Skrill is an easy process. Payments can be made worldwide and only an email address is required. It is safe and secure, being regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. Payments can also be made in Bitcoin.


Once you’ve opened an account with Skrill, there is an onerous verification process to endure. You will need to provide a photo ID along with a utility bill. Users complain of a slow process. They also complain about lackluster customer support, a chatbot for existing customers.

A Basic Guide to 6 Different Payment Solutions For Freelancers
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Payment power in your hands

Freelancers exert a lot of power over their ways of working. You’ll have to decide where you work, when you work, and for online-based working, choosing between single tenant vs. multi tenant cloud-based software.

When deciding on the choice of payment method, you will have your own unique things to consider. Use a meeting minutes generator to help you decide what the client will be comfortable with, in regards to settling bills. You are now equipped to find a payment method that best suits your needs.

Jenna BunnellJenna Bunnell – Senior Manager, Content Marketing, Dialpad
Jenna Bunnell is the Senior Manager for Content Marketing at Dialpad, an AI-incorporated cloud-hosted unified communications system that provides valuable call details for business owners and sales representatives. She is driven and passionate about communicating a brand’s design sensibility and visualizing how content can be presented in creative and comprehensive ways. Jenna has written for sites such as Promo and eHotelier. Check out her LinkedIn profile